Disengagement In Cases Of State-Imposed Forced Labor [OECD Side Session]

On February 13, 2025, the Cotton Campaign and the Coalition to End Uyghur Forced Labor jointly hosted a side session at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector: Cotton and Cotton Products Made With State-Imposed Forced Labor: When Disengagement Is The Only Responsible Course Of Action.

The session addressed state-imposed forced labor in global apparel supply chains, with a focus on two emblematic cases:

  • forced labor of state employees in the annual cotton harvest in Turkmenistan and

  • forced labor of Uyghurs in China, within and outside the Uyghur Region.

State-imposed forced labor is systemic and is enforced at all levels of government. In such contexts, disengagement from all direct and indirect business relationships is the only responsible course of action under the OECD Guidelines and the UNGPs. This is critical as it relates to compliance with the recently adopted CSDDD in the EU, as well as forced labor import prohibitions such as the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), the Withhold Release Order (WRO) on Turkmen cotton under the Tariff Act, and the upcoming EU Forced Labor Regulation.

The session addressed:

  • How companies cannot use or increase leverage to prevent or remediate forced labor

  • Barriers to engaging in credible and effective due diligence on the ground to effect change for workers

  • Common concerns on disengagement, including unintended consequences for workers

  • Practical steps companies should take to identify and eliminate exposure


  • Ruslan Myatiev - Director, Turkmen News

  • Raluca Dumitrescu - Senior Coordinator Cotton Campaign, Global Labor Justice

  • Jewher Ilham - Forced Labor Project Coordinator, Worker Rights Consortium

  • Giles Bolton - Executive Director, Ethical Trading Initiative

  • Samira Rafaella - Visiting Fellow, Cornell University’s Global Labor Institute and Former Member of European Parliament

    Chair: Chloe Cranston, Head of Thematic Advocacy, Anti-Slavery International

Resources mentioned in the recording:


Uzbekistan: Increasing Farmers’ Autonomy Critical To Address Forced Labor Risks And Attract Responsible Sourcing


Uzbekistan: Cotton Campaign Welcomes Government Commitment To Continue Engagement Towards A Sustainable Cotton And Textile Industry