Turkmenistan Resources

Podcast: The Fight Against Forced Labor in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan with the Cotton Campaign

How a Ban on Forced Labour Products could Ensure that Goods Made with Forced Labour Cotton from Turkmenistan are no longer Sold Across the EU

Turkmenistan: NGOs submit joint report for UN Human Rights Committee review

Business & Human Rights: Help Stop the Abuse
![Life in the North-Korea of Central Asia [NPO3 Editorial, with the Contribution of Ruslan Myatiev, Turkmen News] (in Dutch)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/618550501fe9be0ff3428860/1645218496127-S8N8R8HYA1E1ZIB122A6/Matyas_Rehak_widescreen_large-1642608504.jpeg)
Life in the North-Korea of Central Asia [NPO3 Editorial, with the Contribution of Ruslan Myatiev, Turkmen News] (in Dutch)

State-imposed Forced Labour: Outlining the Situation in Central Asia

Cotton Campaign Letter to the European Commission Calling for an Import Ban Against Forced Labor Turkmen Cotton
Communication by the UN Special Rapporteur on Modern Day Slavery to the Government of Turkmenistan

Trade Subcommittee Hearing on the Global Challenges of Forced Labor in Supply Chains
ASI and ECCHR’s Position on Import Controls to Address Forced Labour in Supply Chains (Including Forced Labor in Turkmen Cotton Production)
2021 TIP Report; Turkmenistan at Tier 3
Cotton Campaign Letter to Overstock, Requesting to Eliminate Turkmen Cotton Goods from Its Supply Chain
Cotton Campaign Letter to Wayfair, Requesting to Eliminate Turkmen Cotton Goods from Its Supply Chain

Joint Civil Society Monitoring Finds Systemic Forced Labor in Turkmen Cotton Harvest

O, Allah, Help This Country! (Turkmen.News Documentary About the Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkmenistan)
2019 Turkmenistan Cotton Harvest Updates (Webinar Hosted by Responsible Sourcing Network)
2020 TIP Report: Comments Concerning the Ranking of Turkmenistan